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A temperature sensor is a device designed to perform a number of functions, including measuring the temperature of a substance in contact with the device by analyzing various characteristics of the medium and its properties, at the same time, the information received is converted and the processed information is transmitted.

Models: TTJE-11.13, TTKE-11.13, TOPE-26, TTJE-26, TTKE-26, TOPE-28, TTJE-28, TTKE-28, TOPE-3.4, TTJE-3.4, TTKE-3.4, TOPE-5, TTJE-5, TTKE-5, TOPGE-3, TTJGE-3, TTKGE-3, TOPGE-5,6, TTJGE-5,6, TTKGE-5,6, TOPGE-7, TOPMK-1, TOPMK-2, TOPE-89, TONE-89, TTJE-152, TTKE-152, TOPE-361,362, TTJE-361,362, TOPE-363,364, 365,366, TTPJ-187, TTPK-187, TOPGSP-1, TOPI-M12, TONI-M12, TOPG-M12, TONG-M12, TOPE-408, TOPE-462, TTJE-462, TTKE-462, TJE-621, TTKE-621, TOPWO-1, TTJWO-1, TTKWO-1, TOPWO-2, TTJWO-2, TTKWO-2, TOPE-244, TONE-244, TTJE-244, TTKE-244, TOP-AL2, TTJ-AL2, TTK-AL2, TOPE-6, TTJE-6, TTKE-6, PTR-24, PTR-25, TTJ/KE-86, TTJ/KE-87, TTJE-306, TTKE-306, TOPE-243, TTJE-243, TTKE-243, TOP-145, TOP-172, TOP-216, TOP-226, TOP-231, TOPE-L0384, TOP145, TOP172, TOP216, TOP226, TOP231, TOPEL0384, TOPE-413, TOPE-414, TOPT-287, TOPGNS, TTJGNS, TTKGNS, TOPA-1, TTJC-37, TTKC-37.


All OLIL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant OLIL: thermocouples, temperature sensors, flow meters, air filters, valves, accessories for thermal heaters
  • Thermocouples OLIL
    TTBC-ACT, TTBC-42, etc.
  • Temperature sensors OLIL
    Temperature sensors
    TTJE-11.13, TTKE-11.13, etc.
  • Intrinsically safe thermal converters OLIL
    Intrinsically safe thermal converters
    TOPZ-842Exi and others.
  • Flow meters OLIL
    Flow meters
    OLIL-MAG 200F, AIMAG I, etc.
  • Air filters OLIL
    Air filters
    TA-FVP-II, TA-FVKas-I, etc.
  • Valves OLIL
    MFR050V, MFR050EP, etc.
  • Replaceable elements for thermal converters OLIL
    Replaceable elements for thermal converters
    W1P, W1J, W1K, W2P, etc.
  • Temperature converters OLIL
    Temperature converters
    APAQ-HRF/HRFX, etc.
  • Accessories OLIL
    TES-1311, TES-1312, etc.

About OLIL

The company OLIL (Moscow) produces control and measuring devices and automation (instrumentation and control systems) for measuring and controlling: pressure, temperature, air quality, humidity.

    The quality management system in force in OLIL complies with GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) standards.
  • purpose

    The company's goal is to provide the best solutions for customers in a modern environment quickly, on time and at the best price on the market.
  • control

    The company's own metrological laboratory helps to improve the quality of instrumentation and removes problems with device verification from customers.

Information Board OLIL

Learn more about our products OLIL.
  • Price list for products of the plant OLIL
    Price list for products
  • Catalog brand OLIL
  • The questionnaire in the store OLIL
    The questionnaire


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