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A thermocouple is a temperature converter based on a thermoelectric effect. It consists of a pair of conductors made of different materials connected at one end (measuring junction). When the junction is heated, a thermoelectromotive force (TEDS) arises, the magnitude of which depends on the temperature and type of materials used.

Models: TTBC-ACT, TTBC-42, TTBCC-22, TTBC-22, Exi TTBC-22Exi, TTBCS-22, TTJ-AL2, TTPJ-187, TTJGNS, Exi TTJE-365Exi, Exi TTJE-363Exi, TTJE-244, TTJE-243, TTJE-306, TTKE-86, TTKE-87, TTKC-22, TTKGE-3, TTKK-1, TTKGNS, XL-PTTN, TTRCC-22, TTRC-42, TTRC-22, Exi TTRC-22Exi, TTRC-ACT, TTRCS-22, TTSC-22, TTSCU-22, TTSCC-22, Exi TTSC-
22Exi, TTSC-42, TTSC-ACT, TTSCS-22, TTSC-42, TOPGB-11, TTJGB-11, TTKGB-11, TOPGN-11, TTJGN-11, TTKGN-11, TOPGN-54, TTJGN-54, TTKGN-54, TOPP-11, TTJP-11, TTKP-11, TOPT-11, TTJT-11, TTKT-11, TTJU-45, TTKU-45, TOPSW-11, 21, TTJSW-11, 21, TTKSW-11, 21, TOPSWT-11, TTJSWT-11, TTKSWT-11, TOPSWG-11, TTJSWG-11,TTKSWG-11, TOPGI-1, TTJGI-1, TTKGI-1, TTJU-11, TTKU-11, TTJUO-11, TTKUO-11, TTKU-1, TTJU-1, TTJK-1, TTKK-1, TOPGB-1, TTJGB-1, TTKGB-1, TOPGN-1, TTJGN-1, TTKGN-1, TOPGB-55, TTJGB-55, TOPGNN-2, TOPI-6,8, TTJI-6,8, TTKI-6,8, TOPI-3, TTJI-3, TTKI-3, TTSCU-22, TTRCU-22, TTKCU-22, TTSC-22, TTRC-22, TTBC-22, TTKC-22, TTSCC-22, TTRCC-22, TTBCC-22, TTSC-42, TTRC-42, TTBC-42, XL-PTTK, XL-PTTN, PTTJ, PTTK, PTOP, PTR-1, PTR-2, PTR-3, PTTJ-147, PTTK-147, PTTJ-183, PTTK-183, PTTJ-453, PTTK-453, PTOP-453, TOPG-31/M, TONG-31/M, TOPGB-1..Exi, TTKGB-1..Exi, TTJGB-1..Exi, TOPGN-1..Exi, TTKGN-1..Exi, TTJGN-1..Exi, TOPP-1..Exi, TTKP-1..Exi, TTJP-1..Exi, TOPE - 244Exi, TOPGB-Exd, TTKGB-Exd, TTJGB-Exd, TTKGN-Exd, TTJGN-Exd, TTKP-Exd, TTJP-Exd, TTKT-Exd, TTJT-Exd, TOPSW-Exd, TTKSW-Exd, TTJSW-Exd.


All OLIL products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant OLIL: thermocouples, temperature sensors, flow meters, air filters, valves, accessories for thermal heaters
  • Thermocouples OLIL
    TTBC-ACT, TTBC-42, etc.
  • Temperature sensors OLIL
    Temperature sensors
    TTJE-11.13, TTKE-11.13, etc.
  • Intrinsically safe thermal converters OLIL
    Intrinsically safe thermal converters
    TOPZ-842Exi and others.
  • Flow meters OLIL
    Flow meters
    OLIL-MAG 200F, AIMAG I, etc.
  • Air filters OLIL
    Air filters
    TA-FVP-II, TA-FVKas-I, etc.
  • Valves OLIL
    MFR050V, MFR050EP, etc.
  • Replaceable elements for thermal converters OLIL
    Replaceable elements for thermal converters
    W1P, W1J, W1K, W2P, etc.
  • Temperature converters OLIL
    Temperature converters
    APAQ-HRF/HRFX, etc.
  • Accessories OLIL
    TES-1311, TES-1312, etc.

About OLIL

The company OLIL (Moscow) produces control and measuring devices and automation (instrumentation and control systems) for measuring and controlling: pressure, temperature, air quality, humidity.

    The quality management system in force in OLIL complies with GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015) standards.
  • purpose

    The company's goal is to provide the best solutions for customers in a modern environment quickly, on time and at the best price on the market.
  • control

    The company's own metrological laboratory helps to improve the quality of instrumentation and removes problems with device verification from customers.

Information Board OLIL

Learn more about our products OLIL.
  • Price list for products of the plant OLIL
    Price list for products
  • Catalog brand OLIL
  • The questionnaire in the store OLIL
    The questionnaire


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